KrellTech's Journey with NJMEP: Enhancing Innovation and Growth

Release, July 12, 2024, 6:19 p.m.

At KrellTech, we have always prided ourselves on our innovative approach to photonic polishing and inspection systems. Recently, we had the pleasure of welcoming NJMEP (New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program) to our Neptune City, New Jersey facility. The visit included a comprehensive tour and an insightful interview with our president, Al Cheswick. Here's how NJMEP is helping us, and many other manufacturers in New Jersey, to thrive.

NJMEP is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the profitability and competitiveness of New Jersey’s manufacturers. Backed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NJMEP helps organizations enhance their productivity and efficiency, reduce costs, and improve employee performance. For more than 20 years, NJMEP has leveraged its extensive network and proven track record to help manufacturers adapt to the latest technologies and best practices, realizing over $7.6 billion in value. NJMEP's services are categorized into three main areas: Operational Excellence, Innovation and Growth, and Workforce Development.
KrellTech and NJMEP: A Synergistic Partnership
During their visit, NJMEP explored our state-of-the-art facility, observing firsthand how our photonic polishing machines and inspection systems are designed and manufactured. The tour provided NJMEP with a deeper understanding of our innovative processes and the unique technologies we incorporate into our equipment.
In an interview with NJMEP, Al Cheswick shared insights into KrellTech's journey and how we distinguish ourselves in the competitive landscape of photonic component manufacturing. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:
“My name is Al Cheswick. I'm president of Krell Technologies in Neptune City, New Jersey. I've been here for 30 years. Krell manufactures photonic polishing and inspection systems. Photonics basically incorporates technologies that emit, detect, control, and manipulate light, so we design and manufacture equipment that processes these new devices and these components."
“We stand out from the competition due to our innovative ideas and the designs we incorporate into our equipment. We take a different approach to design. We incorporate different technologies into our equipment and try to optimize as opposed to just supplying standard equipment, which most of our competition does. We try to add something to it to make it more ergonomic, to make the performance greater, and to get higher quality and reliability.”
“We originally made our first contact with NJ MEP about a year ago. What they opened to us were opportunities that exist that we were never aware of before—things like financing that's available, government grants, small business incentives. You know, these are things we are now taking advantage of, and without NJ MEP, a lot of these we would not have known of.”
KrellTech's Market Position
At KrellTech, we specialize in high-quality polishing machines designed for photonic components. Our innovative photonic polishing solutions cater to various industries, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Some common components we process are bare fiber, connectors, waveguides/PICs, medical probes, and many more. Our Lightworks team helps customers adapt our products to meet a wide range of specs. By incorporating advanced technologies, we ensure that our products meet the highest standards of precision and efficiency. With NJMEP's support, we are poised to further enhance our capabilities, drive growth, and continue to set benchmarks in the industry.

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