Advancements in Fiber Optic Connector Polishing: Traditional vs. Optically Aligned Fixtures

May 31, 2024, 8:21 p.m.


To ensure compatibility between fiber optic connectors from different manufacturers, the Telcordia GR-326 standard was developed. This standard specifies connector ferrule endface geometries essential for cross-compatibility. The key criteria include apex offset, radius of curvature (ROC), and fiber height. 

About the Process 

ROC and fiber height are mainly process-oriented parameters. Apex offset is influenced by both the polishing process and the mechanical design of the polishing fixture. The design of a fiber optic connector polishing fixture is critical for achieving optimal polishing performance. 

Problem with Traditional Fixtures 

Traditional polishing fixtures, also known as workholders, jigs, or pucks, consist of metal disks with drilled holes for inserting connector ferrules. The precision of these fixtures relies on the perpendicularity of the drilled holes relative to the polishing surface for UPC geometry. Variations in machine tolerance within the fixture and at critical mounting points can increase apex offsets, negatively affecting the polishing results and making it challenging to consistently meet Telcordia GR-326 standards. 

Solution: Optically Aligned Fixtures 

KrellTech has developed advanced polishing fixtures that use optically aligned connector holders to address these challenges. These fixtures feature adjustable connector mounts at each polishing position, allowing for precise alignment to the polishing surface. 

The patented alignment process is monitored in real-time using a specialized interferometer, enabling technicians to fine-tune each polishing position. This "super-tuning" results in superior Telcordia performance by reducing apex offsets and ensuring consistent geometric parameters.  Also, if repetitive polishing steps are required for connector rework or surface finish refinement, these minimized offsets provide a buffer for maintaining GR-326 compliance. 


KrellTech's optically aligned fixtures provide enhanced control over the polishing process, offering significant improvements over traditional fixtures. These advancements ensure higher precision and consistency, meeting the stringent requirements of the Telcordia GR-326 standard. By adopting these advanced fixtures, engineers can achieve better performance and reliability in fiber optic connectors, supporting the growing demand for high-quality optical components. 

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